My life this week:
Baking oatmeal chocolate chip cookies with Katie, reacquainting myself with Abraham Lincoln, planning a strategy for teaching The Great Gatsby with Sandy (and therefore remembering how much I love that novel and how much I truly will always love teaching), laughing over a "free pre-paid cremation" solicitation notice sent to Bill, reading more Steven Pinker, taking Katie to the bookstore this afternoon to pick out a few Berenstain Bear books (some of her favorites right now), finishing several loads of laundry, bringing out the springtime decorations, watching Katie revel in her gymnastics class, having fun with Katie during her music class, journeying to Fullerton for lunch with Nana (and Uncle Ross, Aunt Debbie, Fon, Violet, Jed, and my parents), spending time with my husband and enjoying our conversations, listening to Simon and Garfunkel, working with our new CPA, taking a walk to lunch with my dad and Katie, cuddling with my daughter in the rain, experiencing a revived intellectual life (which has been somewhat out of balance), fitting in some studying for my real estate exam, making homemade tacos from the family recipe, pondering, eating strawberries, looking at the bright moon, looking forward...