Yesterday afternoon, my bestie Rosa came over for tea. We sipped wild raspberry tea brewed in the sun and then chilled, ate tea sandwiches (smoked salmon and cucumber, egg salad, ham and boysenberry), munched cold grapes, and indulged in some fancy assorted buttery cookies from the supermarket. YUM! Rosa found the most perfect gift for me in the world in Solvang during her recent B&B experience there: the monkey music box from Phantom of the Opera!!!! When I opened it, my heart just welled up: it is an exact replica of the prop used in the play (although for me it is more than a prop---those of you who know me best know that I am obsessed with Phantom and that it is one of my favorite creations in the world, and that I have felt this way since high school). The arms even move so the monkey is playing the cymbals. Kate and I wound it up many times today and played blocks by its sound this evening.
We had a fun day, swinging all together and talking for hours. Rosa is so completely easy to talk with. And she is funny. I love her Catty Critic reviews on films and restaurants because they are insightful and humorous at the same time. I just love Rosa...she is one of the blessings in my life.
So Rosa began the weekend, and then today, we had Chet and Irma over for lunch. I love them so much, too! They are down-to-earth, thoughtful people and always have a good feeling about them. I've always thought so, yet it is completely obvious that Kate feels the same way. With most people, she is more reserved...but almost immediately today, she was talking with them and showing them her notebook of drawings and writing and sharing her pink bunny and all kinds of things. I love seeing that. We all love to talk about music, too, and have similar tastes. They are two of my favorite people...
Here are some pictures from this morning...
Kate helped me make a pineapple upside down cake to serve after lunch.
Kate ponders the cake pan.
Amie came over for some swing time and a kiss for an hour this morning. That is the beautiful part about living so close, just as I imagined it would be: we can have more visits here and there without planning far in advance or having to drive anywhere. We can see each other for a hello or goodnight. Sometimes my dad comes over for coffee with me while I feed Kate breakfast...just a nice way to start the day...
Katie loves to swing!
I know this pic is similar to the last, but as her mommy, I love every nuanced expression, of course.
Amie and Katie...
When she does it by herself, she claps...
Okay, so then something strange and mysterious and captivating happened. I like to leave the door open sometimes when we're in the back... I know I run the risk of insects, but I love feeling as though the outside and inside flow together: the invitation of Nature into our home is very peaceful to me. Well, Nature certainly came in! All of the sudden, a bird flew into the kitchen...but not just any bird. Here's the goosebump part: remember how I named the house Hummingbird Home? A hummingbird actually flew into our house... It must be some kind of happy sign I think. Of course I was worried for it and felt very bad for this little life that must have been afraid...but... (onto next picture)
Just in the nick of time, Uncle Chet and Aunt Irma arrived. Chet, you see, is a birder and also works with butterflies. He has a way with all things that fly... I was absolutely amazed. He was able to coax the hummingbird into his hands and to hold it within seconds of reaching up to the window for it. I think he has a gift... The bird was very still, but very comfortable, with Chet. In this picture, he is showing it to Kate and explaining how he could tell that it was a female hummingbird. After a minute, we took it outside. He set it on the daisy plant, and after a pause, away it flew...
Now our house TRULY is Hummingbird Home, yes?