All bundled up for family date night as the rain falls outside...
At In-N-Out. In my defense, she is holding my drink: she had water. Of all the many things I do allow her to have, soda is not one of them. I admit this looks incriminating, but really she didn't even have a sip. However, I did feed her a dinner of french fries...
Katie and Daddy in the audience.
After the puppet show, "Santa" arrived. Katie thought he looked like a "fake Santa" and so she didn't want to sit with him. Katie thinks some Santas look real and some look fake. It is interesting... She was skeptical of this one, and rightly so: some of his extra belly stuffing was falling out a bit. She watched the children sit on his lap, and I asked her if she wanted to, but she didn't. Eventually she said she wanted to go home. Later, she wanted to talk with me about the little boy who cried when his mommy made him sit on Santa... I promised I would never do that to her, that it would always be her choice. She is a very reflective little person: I love her so much!