Katie and I had the delight of attending Lauren and her mom's 11th annual Christmas tea this afternoon. I was able to attend once a few years ago, but I have been unfortunately missing it the past few years due to it falling on my birthday. I was so glad we were able to celebrate and spend time together today.
Lauren has a beautiful group of friends, and many are mothers of younger children. Katie got to meet a little girl who was 2.5 and they played together so well! I loved watching Katie blossom in this setting. I was not sure how she would do with so many people, especially since she tends to be more reserved in some of her classes, but she did really, really well. In fact, she seemed to feel right at home in Mrs. Valencia's house. A few times she started venturing on her own into the kitchen or into the living room---she never does that. Once, we got separated a little by the flow of people, and Katie didn't even cry. I could see her from across the room and after looking for me a bit, she decided just to return to the family room where we had been visiting. She didn't even seem distressed: Katie definitely felt comfortable. She was even good at trying new things: she liked the muffins. She also had pineapple, a gingerbread man, and some crackers.
The whole afternoon was lovely and Lauren and her kinswomen provided us all with abundant and delicious food and camaraderie. One part I really loved were all the beautiful teacups they have collected. Gorgeous patterns... I had an orange herbal tea and it was delicious. I do miss my black tea and the like, but I can't have those while pregnant. But this orange tea was heavenly and so seasonal and cozy.
So, a big thank you to Lauren and her mom and her aunt, who all put the tea and day together for all of us to enjoy so much! And I am so thankful that Katie and I were invited!