The Good:
* I stayed home from Toastmasters today to have an extra play day with Katie this week. I have missed time with her when I have my study sessions and she is with her Daddy, so it was renewing for us. Originally, Amie thought she might have to go into Orange County today and so would be unable to babysit. I promised Katie a couple of days ago that I would stay home and we'd have a fun day, and she was so excited by what we had planned. When Amie found out that she would be home after all, I did not want to disappoint Katie by going back on my word. I loved having the time with my daughter today. I know I have time with her daily, but the more the better.
* We officially signed up for summer swim classes this morning! Online registration began at 8:00 AM for residents today. At 7:50, Katie and I had the laptop in bed, logged in, and with our cursor over the "fish" icon for the session and pool we wanted. We've been cautioned many times that lessons fill up really fast, so we wanted to be prepared. We are excited!!!
* We had a great walk this morning (a little warm, but the sun was healthy for us). Katie started asking questions about Earth and gravity.
* After breakfast, we spread out a huge piece of paper and drew and drew for about an hour. I really enjoyed that. We love to talk as we draw.
* We also had fun with Play-Doh today for another hour or so. We surprised ourselves and found some moister Play-Doh than we thought we had. I love moist Play-Doh. Once it starts to dry, it is still workable but becomes crumbly at parts---no fun. I brought out our big set of cookie cutters that Aunt Debbie gave me, and we made all kinds of shapes: dinosaurs, letters, animals, shapes, vehicles, etc.
* Then we enjoyed time outside, blowing bubbles, playing "tag" (our new favorite), and ring-around-the-rosie. Katie made up a little song about dancing with her dress in the wind.
* Later I had more study time (I had 1.5 hours this morning over decaf and cream while waiting for Katie to rise) while she napped. I think I may be overstudying---but there is no way to judge that until I know whether or not I've passed, is there?
* Lunch was tasty, too: leftover falafel and pita sandwich from last night's Greek cuisine fest. Seriously, it is all I want to eat (besides Raisin Bran, another huge craving). Yummy tomatoes, cucumbers, red onion, yogurt, feta, briny kalamata olives, etc... Mmmmmmmmm. I have some lamb for gyros later this week.
* Eric's wallpaper is finally here!
The Bad (or unfortunate):
* Katie actually started getting the sniffles last night. She had no fever until a low grade fever this afternoon. A little runny nose, but not bad. She seems to be shaking it off and it certainly hasn't slowed her down. But.... A cold is not what I need for myself this week, believe me. Dread. Dread. Trying to remain in denial that I have even been exposed to germs, thank you.
* I wanted to finish making the buttery almond bear claws with Katie today, but I want her to be able to help---and so with her runny nose, I thought that ill-advised. The pastry will keep for three days, though, so we have time.
The Ugly:
* I had an absolutely horrible epiphany a few moments ago: I have some library books that are overdue by a couple of days. Sure enough, I logged into my account and saw my worst realization confirmed. WHAT?!?! I have never had late library books---EVER---in my life. I feel like such a tremendous thug. It's okay, my librarian friends, I know I am a total punk now... I really feel guilty and embarassed. I am going to be mortified when I have to look the librarian in the eye and pay my fine. The ugly truth is that I am burning my candle at both ends this week and losing focus.
However, we see that the goodness of today far outweighs the bad and the ugly. That's all we can really ask for. So much of the goodness in life comes from what we make of it, yes?