Katie on the rings, a favorite apparatus.
We did several other exercises and used other apparati. We arrived a bit early and got to watch an older student work on his bar flips and mid-air suspensions. Katie was fascinated by that and thought it looked like fun. I told her if she keeps working, she'll be able to do that someday, too.
Immediately after gymnastics, we left for our OB appointment at TV OB/GYN. We had just a few minutes before checking in, so Katie fueled up with a banana in the car.
We had a good appointment: Eric's heartbeat, orientation, and growth is great. I love being pregnant. I can't believe that I am starting my bi-weekly appointments already! I am starting to feel the poignancy of being so far along: I definitely, definitely cannot wait to hold Eric in my arms and love him up with kisses, but I also love having him inside of me. I just want to savor, savor, savor it. I know Eric is our last child, and I know that being pregnant and bearing children has been the best phase of my life so far. It will be a little sad to have it end, does that make sense? I love raising children, and it goes way too fast. Sometimes I just want to freeze time...and other times, I am so curious about what they will become. I wish I could travel around in time and have my children at all stages of their lives, all the time. I love Katie's age now, but I yearn for just one more day with her as a newborn. Motherhood is joyous and really very poignant, too. Sometimes I make myself stop and just think about how thankful I am to have the two of them in exactly the moment of development each of them are in right this second.
Afterward our visit to Dr. Elfelt, we made progress on obtaining goodies for the nursery! Thanks, Mom, for the glider! I also found a dresser/changing table and several other fun items! The nursery is really coming together now... I am very excited about it. I hope Little Eric likes his room!
Home again, it was lunchtime, naptime, and study time. I am most assuredly ready to have this test out of my hair. Part of me loves to study, but part of me is getting to the point now where I am too saturated with it. I took yesterday off completely from studying. Today's session was necessary, as I brushed up on my construction styles and some of the construction terms I will need to know (Dutch colonial, mud sill, joists, California ranch, etc). Then I reviewed some of the many laws I need to know... So it was a good session. However, I am pretty tired of studying to tell the truth. I almost never tire of studying, so that's really saying something. I want to take the test and be done----soon! The only killer part will be waiting FIVE days to know my score.
Really, I just want to work on our nursery, take our swimming lessons, enjoy our upcoming afternoon at the Beauty and the Beast ballet, have fun at my cousin's grad party, and prepare for the thoughtful and lovely baby shower that my other kind cousin is throwing for us. I love all of those activities more than tests, for sure!