I've been so thankful for this class and for Miss Kara. I have really seen Katie blossom through music over the past many months. When she started the class, she mostly wanted to sit in my lap and watch and was hesitant to interact... Now she is singing, playing instruments, hugging (and even kissing a couple of times) Miss Kara, dancing around, and talking to others. We have been singing our class songs all year at home, too, and so this has been a really big part of our lives as mother and daughter and as learners together. I must admit that I felt a little choked up (as I always did as student or teacher) that the end of the year is here!
We have had so much fun together this year. I remember the first day of music class so vividly, and I cannot believe how fast the time has flown. This has been a special time with my little girl, and I am just so thankful for it.